Wednesday, 29 January 2014

Justin Bieber Faces Deportation After White House Petition Reaches 10K Signatures

It seems Justin Bieber is the only one smiling after his DUI and drag racing arrest has far from impressed everyone else. Thousands of people have taken to The White House's We The People petition site to sign their support for the 19 year-old to revoke his green card.

After the Canadian's arrest, the petition was posted on 23rd of January and has already achieved the 100,000 signatures it needs in order to be assessed by The White House, with the declaration stating: 

"We would like to see the dangerous, reckless, destructive, and drug abusing, Justin Bieber deported and his green card revoked." 

"He is not only threatening the safety of our people but he is also a terrible influence on our nations youth. We the people would like to remove Justin Bieber from our society."
Aren't there bigger issues these people need to worry about?!

In response to this, an opposing petition named 'consider to not deport Justin Bieber' was created which stated: "People only look at his bad boy aura and not everything that he has done to help around the world. He has donated so much money to charity's but people over look that fact."

They went on to say "Chris Brown was charged for Women abuse but was let off the hook." 

Bieber will appear in front of the judge on February 14th. 


  1. haha but dont you think people are also sad for not worrying about more important political issues?

    1. How do you mean, economic problems things like that? Yeah, I agree - give them a stupid brat with a quiff acting badly, and they'd be able to handle it.

    2. Yeah that's what I meant :) its just really silly and definitely a lack of guidance in his life!

    3. I'm beyond caring right now what happens to him next.

    4. I think everyone else is too :D thanks for reading Robert!!

  2. The only difference between Bieber and a DUI ending in someone's death is luck. He wouldn't be smiling and laughing if there had been a fatality.

    However, despite having no opinion on his music and less interest in his personal life, I don't think any lesson would be learned from deportation: it seems to me the people signing the petition are doing so because they dislike him for his music or fame.

    If we want Bieber to learn from what he did, there are more effective ways: like working with people whose lives have been affected by DUI and reckless driving.

  3. Yes thats so true, totally agree with you. I definitely think there are more important things they need to be discussing too! I of course just write about celeb news so I'm allowed to be concerned with these issues ;)


    If only we could. Unless of course he gets convicted to more than a year in prison but that is highly unlikely. I addition the planned expansion of NAFTA to open the Canadian-US border to freedom of movement means that in future it might even become impossible to deport him.

    Anyway, the petition only requires the white house to issue an official response, something along the lines of, he can't be deported.

    Ever since this policy has been introduced by Obama it has resulted in many of these petitions, realistically it just serves as a PR stunt. With the Senate and Congress at an impasse over budgets, spending, gun control and just about every over issue, I can't see them passing a Justin Bieber law anytime soon.

    1. Yes I totally agree, and I just think Obama has a lot more important things to be concerned with than the Biebs. He is a massive star with a large sum of money, they won't deport him.
